“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.” 

It’s been a little over a year since I called two friends to ask them to help me put this video together.  I had the idea to make it long before, but the opportunity for our location in Laguna Beach, CA came up and I had to jump on it and make it happen with two days notice.

It’s been almost two years since I first had the idea to turn my custom fitness and nutrition plans that I was making for friends into a book.

And it’s been about 3 years since I first started my health and fitness blog in college.

As I sit here today amazed at how fast time has passed, I also had to remind myself of how hard I’ve worked all these years to get to where I am today.  To the point of self-publishing a fitness, nutrition and lifestyle book that took months of research, experimentation, trial and error, certifications, sweat and tears.  We are in the final graphic stages and I’m so excited to finally have a finished product that I can hold up.  Everything is finally coming to fruition and I’ll be able to help women around the world build a strong body and a strong mind.  It didn’t happen overnight.  It happened through small daily steps.

I thought today’s quote was perfect.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, but rather through daily consistent effort and sweat equity.  So often we want things to happen yesterday.  I’m the first to admit I’m not the most patient.  But, it’s really through hard work and by focusing your energy on improving every day until you’ve built your empire.  Every day, you lay a brick that builds that foundation.  Sure, there are complications and unforeseeable obstacles that pop up, but you figure it out, make it work and keep building until you reach your goal.  Whatever you do, don’t stop and never give up.  Rome, or your finished product, may not look like the original design or plan your drew up and that’s okay!  It means you adjusted to change and still saw things through.

And when times get tough, always remember that anything worth doing and worth doing well takes time.

As we start off the year, think about what bricks you want to lay down on a daily basis.  What is your “Rome?” You can find more tips on how to create effective goals in my ebook, The Strong Movement™: The Complete Guide to Unleashing Your Strong.  Comment below and tell me what your “Rome” is this year.