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2018-08-10T16:19:59-08:00Sunday, September 20, 2015|Strong Girl Guides + Ebooks, Strong Girl Journal|

Top 7 Antioxidant Rich Foods

Antioxidant: [an·ti·ox·i·dant] Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage caused by free radicals.   Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food, when your cells use oxygen, when you drink alcohol, and when your body is exposed to the environment like smoke, smog, the sun, and radiation.  [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:59-08:00Thursday, September 17, 2015|Health & Wellness, Nutrition|

Cracking the Coconut

Trend Alert: The Coconut.  Every time I go to the market, I see some new coconut product jumping out at me... if it's not a new coconut water brand, it's a new type of coconut yogurt, butter, cream, sugar and even now ice cream and alcohol!  What's next?!  But people haven't always been so loco [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:59-08:00Thursday, September 17, 2015|Nutrition|

Love that Eucalyptus Smell at Equinox? Read This!

You may have thought Equinox Gyms were the first to introduce eucalyptus towels to the world. But, eucalyptus leaves have actually been used in home remedies since way back when. So, if you love that eucalyptus aroma that pumps through the vents at Equinox, you’ll be happy to know you can recreate your own zen [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:59-08:00Friday, March 27, 2015|Health & Wellness, Lifestyle|

Self-Doubt: How to Get Rid of Your Inner Critic

Every Strong Girl, at some point, has experienced moments or periods of self-doubt. As you know self-doubt is paralyzing, negative, destructive, debilitating and critical. This is why many times we refer to it as our inner critic—that nagging and negative voice inside our head that tells us we aren’t good enough, that we aren’t capable [...]

2018-08-10T16:20:00-08:00Tuesday, March 24, 2015|Lifestyle, Motivation, Strong Mind|

Just Beet It! The Most Underrated Nutritional Powerhouse + RECIPE

Beets may not get a lot of attention these days, but they are one of the most underrated vegetables that actually date all the way back to the ancient Romans for their amazing health benefits.  Whether you are an athlete, weekend warrior or just want to be fit and healthy, next time you’re at the [...]

2018-08-10T16:20:00-08:00Wednesday, March 11, 2015|Nutrition, Recipes|
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