“While you’re at home with your thumb up your ass and your brain in neutral, no one knocks on your door.” Mark Burnett
This is a quote by Mark Burnett, the man behind Survivor, The Apprentice, The Voice, Shark Tank and many more. Clearly, all shows we’ve never heard of. JK. The quote stuck with me long after he visited one of my USC classes and spoke about his journey. I think it’s safe to say we all know that things aren’t handed to you in life. Luck does play a role in certain opportunities, but without drive, ambition, and actually doing something, no opportunity will present itself on a silver platter.
This quote resonates with me on so many levels because my family came to the United States as exiles of their home country. They brought nothing but the clothes on their back and had to find a way to make a living. I truly believe that with hard work, persistence, and a go-getter attitude you can achieve anything you want to achieve. It may sound cliche, but you are the driver of your own life and it’s up to you to get up, start the ignition and drive. There is always a way to get an answer to your question, to the place you want to be, or the person you want to talk to, even if you have to go through the back door or talk to 10 different people before reaching the right one. Opportunities arise when we put ourselves out there, are curious, talk to people, ask questions, and wholeheartedly go after what we want.
The next time you feel as if opportunity hasn’t “knocked on your door,” I challenge you to get up and actively find a way to position yourself into a better situation that will get you one step closer to what you want!
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