About AilisGarcia

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So far AilisGarcia has created 228 blog entries.

Think About What You’re Thinking About

So often in life we’re running on auto-pilot just going about our days and weeks without actually being actively and consciously engaged with what we’re doing. Since we are creatures of habit, we become accustomed to a routine and a way of living that, whether it’s healthy or unhealthy, becomes comfortable and hard to change. [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:27-08:00Monday, January 16, 2017|Daily Inspo, Strong Mind|

New TSM Strong Girl Fitness Guide Exercise Videos

I am so excited to share that our new Member's Only Section of the website is now up and running! This section is for Strong Girls in the Community that have purchased the Strong Girl Guides! If you're a member, you'll now have access to over 75+ Exercise Videos from the Strong Girl Fitness Guide! I filmed [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:27-08:00Thursday, January 12, 2017|Fitness, Fitness Tips, Workouts|

TSM New Year Workout Playlist

With a New Year, we totally need a new workout playlist, so that we can crush our fitness goals! This month's playlist was inspired by NYE countdowns! It's high intensity and will definitely help you give your workouts all you've got this month! Check it out and follow the playlist on Spotify! Love + Sweat, xoxo [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:28-08:00Friday, January 6, 2017|Fitness, Fitness Tips|

Candles: Healthy or Toxic?

What girl doesn’t love candles? We all have at least one saved somewhere in our home—they add a nice decorative touch to any room (and make for a great Instagram picture), are a great way to make your home smell nice, and they’re the perfect mood setter—whether it’s girls’ Netflix night in or a romantic [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:28-08:00Thursday, January 5, 2017|Health & Wellness, Lifestyle|

VIDEO: 2017 Strong Girl Workshop + Workout: Steps to a Stronger, More Confident + Happier You

I am so excited to share our new video highlighting the Strong Girl Workshop + Workout: Steps to a Stronger, More Confident + Happier You! My mission is to help women become their best and build strong bodies and strong minds! I'm honored I have had the opportunity to share this workshop and workout with [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:28-08:00Thursday, January 5, 2017|Health & Wellness, Sorority, Strong Body, Strong Mind|

Find Your Flow in Life

Think back to an experience when you’ve felt completely “in the zone” and “one” with what you were doing. That feeling where you were so immersed and absorbed in the activity that you lost track of time. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the author of “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” has described this state as “flow” where [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:28-08:00Wednesday, January 4, 2017|Health & Wellness, Motivation, Strong Mind|

Why You Shouldn’t Be Making New Year’s Resolutions and What to Do Instead

Let’s get real. According to a recent study by the University of Scranton, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolution(s). Realistically speaking, I’m not surprised given that we live in a short-attention span, instant gratification, quick-fix society. Becoming our best and achieving our goals is a committed journey and steady climb to the [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:28-08:00Friday, December 23, 2016|Lifestyle, Motivation, Strong Mind|

Strong Girl Guide to Barre

If you’re looking for a workout that will target muscles you never knew you had, you should consider barre classes, which feature a combination of Pilates, yoga, and ballet components. This workout was developed in 1959 by Lotte Berk, a German ballerina who injured her back and wanted to combine her dance conditioning routine with [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:29-08:00Thursday, December 15, 2016|Fitness|

The Big Rub Down: Massage and Its Health Benefits

One of my favorite indulgences, especially after logging a lot of hours at my desk, at the gym and on the road in my car, is to get a nice deep tissue sports massage. I believe that getting a massage isn’t just about being pampered and relaxing at the spa—it comes with a long list [...]

2018-08-10T16:19:29-08:00Wednesday, December 14, 2016|Fitness Tips, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle|
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