Age: 20

Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico

College: Chapman University

Major: TV + Broadcast Journalism Major, PR Minor

Year: Junior

Sorority: Alpha Phi

Instagram: @jessicaxmeador


Tell us about yourself!

Hey girl hey! I am the only person in my family that lives in the continental United States, the rest of my family is in Puerto Rico still and I miss them (and the food there) so much. I have a longhair Chihuahua named Toby and a Pitbull named JJ but I am highly allergic to dogs.

What does “Strong” mean to you and what makes you a Strong Girl?

To me, being a Strong Girl means being afraid of a lot of things, but doing them anyway. It means loving yourself and loving your body so much that nobody’s opinions can interfere with that. It means being optimistic, not only when things are going right for her, but when they are going so wrong. It means believing in yourself and knowing and trusting that you can do anything and everything with the right mindset to accompany it. It means loving your body, treating it and feeding it right so that you feel confident from the inside, out.


What is your favorite thing about The Strong Movement?

My favorite thing about The Strong Movement is the focus on how exercise can not only change your body but also your mind.

What excites you about the Strong Girl Community at Chapman!

Fitness and meditation changed my life for the better in so many ways, and if I could inspire that change in girls at Chapman and help them realize their true potential, it would be so amazing.


When did you discover fitness + healthy living and decide to make it part of your lifestyle?

When I was a Freshman, exercise used to mean going on the elliptical twice a week for half an hour, and now it is such a huge part of my life and who I am as a person. My sophomore year I discovered my happiness depended too much on other people and that if it remained that way, I would never truly be happy because I would always be seeking external validation.


How has exercise and healthy living increased your confidence and self-esteem?

Once I started treating my body right and exercising, it was so much easier for me to love myself, regardless of what everyone else around me was saying. Healthy habits made me realize how crucial treating my body right was to my confidence and self-love levels.

What challenges and/or injuries have you had to overcome on your fit journey?

I think my main challenge was coming out of a breakup and getting my booty to the gym instead of sitting in my room feeling depressed. I had to realize that wallowing wouldn’t do me any good and I had to take control of my own happiness.


What keeps you motivated when the going gets tough?

My family definitely keeps me going when things get rough. If I ever feel like I cant do something, I’ll call my mom and by the time we hang up I’ll swear I’m invisible.

What do you love about your mind and body?

I love that I prioritize myself and I put as much work into my relationship with myself that I do into my relationship with others because I found that’s what makes me happy. I also love my booty and my baby abs that are starting to form.


What do you wake up looking forward to and excited about everyday?

I wake up excited to eat avocado toast and talk to my mama and then I’m ready for the day!

Do you have any daily rituals?

I always make it a point to not look at my phone first thing in the morning. I wake up, make a list of what I’m grateful for and my goals for the day and then go get my venti green iced tea at Starbucks. the-strong-movement-strong-girls-on-campus-chapman-community-jessica2-min


Favorite Type of Workout: Yoga Sculpt!

Fit Goal: abs baby!

Favorite Workout Song on Playlist Right Now? Fade- Kanye West (also that music video, woah)

Favorite Healthy Snack: Kale chips and Pressed Juicery  

Favorite Fruit and/or Veggie: strawberries and avocados!

Favorite Quote: “Change your thoughts and you’ll change your life”
