“If you wait until you feel like doing it, you will never get it done.”

This quote seemed appropriate for a Monday!  When it comes to reaching your goals and following your dreams the passion usually ignites the fire.  But, there are still plenty of times, where you have to do things that you don’t necessarily want or feel like doing along the way.  Writing that paper, studying for that test, writing emails, going to practice, crossing tasks off the to-do list, etc–the list goes on and on.  The truth is, more often than not, putting things off comes back to bite us in the butt!

I was able to master the art of procrastination pretty well in college, but now running The Strong Movement, putting things off just doesn’t cut it.  I now understand the benefits of getting things done now and doing things while you can…even if they aren’t the most fun or what you want to be doing.  My mom always used to say, “Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.”  And, of course we all hate to admit it when our parents were right about things, but it’s true.  After thinking about it, I really believe this is something that separates those that are and aren’t successful.  Successful people are willing to do things that other people aren’t whether they feel like doing it or not.  The path to reaching your goals isn’t easy–it takes hard work, persistence, resilience and doing things even though you don’t “feel like it,” at times.

And when it comes to getting your workout in… it couldn’t be more true.  How many times have you regretted a workout after you finished?  Never.  But, yet, I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve definitely put off many workouts because I didn’t feel like going at that specific time.  And, yup, most of those days I ended up not going at all because I did put it off.

So, I challenge you.

This week, focus on doing those things you don’t feel like doing or want to do.  Because, the reality is… “if you wait until you feel like doing it, you will never get it done.”