Ailis Garcia RAW Dancing on Couch

A Strong Girl believes anything is possible. She is passionate, fun-spirited, a go-getter and a positivity-magnet. She lives life to the fullest with a zest for life that is not only an inspiration, but also contagious. She radiates confidence in the most genuine and authentic way. She has an energetic enthusiasm and believes you can have it all. She believes in making a difference and that everyone has a purpose. She’s armed with a strong mind and a winning attitude to actively pursue her dreams, while living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. She believes that strong is sexy, both inside and out. She takes life seriously, but doesn’t take herself too seriously. She laughs out loud and smiles rain or shine. A Strong Girl faces her fears, dances with them and kicks them in the butt. She knows she has to take risks to grow and reach that next level. Her determination, drive and perseverance keep her motivated to pursue challenges that elevate her. Learning, growing and constantly improving are what keep her at the top of her game. She knows that life is one big balancing act. She is a dreamer, an optimist and opportunist. She fails forward and gets back up after every fall. A Strong Girl never gives up. She finds a way. She is a doer and makes things happen. She takes a bet on herself. A Strong Girl knows that her mind is her most powerful weapon and that a strong mind and strong body make one fit, badass babe!

A Strong Girl Lives Inside of You…. Now go Unleash Your Strong!