It may be shocking, but I’ve never really been keen on new years resolutions. I believe anytime of year is a great time to set goals and buckle down on them. But, I do understand how a new year signifies a fresh start! The problem with new years resolutions is that they tend to be a “wish list” for the year of things that people would like, instead of actual and specific goals that are written down with action plans, daily steps and deadlines. Goals need a sense of urgency to be met! And, more importantly, you must be willing to change and put in the work to see them through! So, instead of writing out a list, here are 3 healthy habits you can start incorporating into your life TODAY that overtime will have a bigger impact and help you be your BEST YOU!

strong girl goals

1. Set 1 Goal
Yup! Set only 1 goal you will make a priority and take immediate, massive action on. If the word “goal” seems daunting to you, think of it as a “habit.” This “habit” should be something that is relatively easy to start working on now and that you can start chipping away at everyday. It should be very clear and very specific. Habits, whether they are good or bad are the results of decisions over time. So, the sum of healthy habits everyday can lead you to reaching that goal you set for yourself!

For example, if your goal is to drink 3L of water a day by the end of the month, start by marginally increasing the amount of water you normally drink—creating the habit of drinking more water everyday. If you signed up to run a 5K, your first day on the track wouldn’t be to run that 5k—you’d start small, maybe just working towards running a mile or working on your form and gradually working towards that 5k.

The point is, you need to get into a healthy habit of creating “marginal gains.” If everyday you make it a habit of doing 1 thing that gets you closer to your goal—you are on the right path. Remember, nothing happens overnight.

Workplace with laptop, close up

2. Clean Up Space
Start your year with a clean space! Again, this doesn’t mean a complete cleaning overhaul of your house or storage unit that will take a month to finish. Pick just 1 area you would like to clean up. This could be your car, desk, closet, underwear drawer, computer hard drive, phone, rolodex, etc. Even if you’re like me and hate to “waste” time cleaning, you’ll realize that once you clean out one drawer, you’re more willing and determined to clean out the next one and the one after and soon enough you’ve cleaned out your entire closet or desk!

Set aside and pick a space that is small and doable that you can dedicate to cleaning within the hour. You’ll feel accomplished once you see your progress! Then, you can set aside one hour a week or a month to clean another space!

3. Create “Me” Time
The first thing to usually go out the window when we get “busy” is “me time.” We all need it, yet we don’t get enough of it (or maybe we know someone that gets way too much of it! ;)). This is the time we give ourselves—to let our brain and body unwind, relax and reset. It’s the time we use to unplug from the rest of the world and from electronics. That means putting our phones in the other room, turning off the tv, computer and tablets and just being with ourselves and doing something positive like reading, meditating, thinking, exercising, baking, etc.

Ever wonder why you come up with such great ideas in the shower? Well, because there aren’t any distractions and you can think for yourself without your mind being interrupted! “Me time” can be 5 minutes, 10 minutes or preferably 20 minutes a day depending on your schedule. For me, my “me time” is my gym time and my reading time sometime during the day to either read part of a book or an article. Some weeks I add in a massage or relax at home by putting on a mask. Make your “me time” non-negotiable and make sure to schedule it in everyday, at the very least, once a week.

Sleeping, Women, Bed.

4. BONUS: Sleep Earlier
I’ll admit it—I’m a night owl. I personally think I work better at night and prefer to stay up late working on something. I think there is a time and place to burning the midnight oil; however, I’ve realized there’s something to be said about going to bed early and getting up early. Skimping on sleep robs you of energy, sound decision making and ultimately wellbeing. You’ll start to see your productivity and mood increase overtime as you develop the habit of setting an early bedtime and consistently getting solid rest every night.